Education ERP is an educational institution management system to manage all the activities of the Educational academic institutes. Education ERP is mainly suitable for following segment of academic institutes:
There are various objectives to use Education ERP which helps management in various aspects which are given below:
EduERP4U has categorized its modules into three main categories which are given below:
Prime Modules:
Prime+ Modules:
Enterprise Modules:
Education ERP reduces manual efforts of managements and teachers can give full attention to the student and can also learn new teaching techniques to improve student outcomes. Schools/ Institutes can take the live demo from the EduErp4U vendor and access the software to understand the process.
We, TZi Solutions Private Limited, as a company can help you with this and provide you the live demo of our Educational ERP product EduERP4U. Once you check the demo and take a review of all modules then it will be easy for you to understand more about the product. EduERP4U has all above-mentioned modules and features, you can appoint for live demo by visiting the official website of EduERP4U. Click Here
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