So the most burning question among "modern-age developers" is whether PHP is dead. So let us be straightforward in telling you that the answer is a big NO. The world of software development is ever-changing, each day new frameworks and libraries are introduced. The best part is many of these libraries and frameworks are complimentary to each other.
Before we get into the detail of the topic first let us make one thing clear. All languages and frameworks have their own utilities, use-case and importance and in a scalable technical product/solution multiple things work together in sync to make the resultant top-notch.
We especially developers tend to be attracted to every stack we come across, try to learn them and gain expertise over them. Upskilling your is very good, it should be encouraged, but as the English proverbs goes "He who grasps all things will lose all." Let circle back to our main question.
Even people who know multiple web stacks often choose PHP. Why? Just Because it is easy? Easy implementation is an important aspect considering past pace at which the development takes place these days. But, there are several other factors which are considered, while choosing PHP based Web Stack.
PHP has been the top web development technology over the last two decades, powering millions of websites and apps globally, and it shows no signs of slowing down in the market. We anticipate that PHP will continue to be a leading technology because of its low cost, the availability of established frameworks that accelerate development, and, of course, the large global community that supports its ongoing growth. All this makes PHP a great choice for many projects.
TZi Solutions is the ideal choice for its clients' PHP website and application hosting. We cover every facet of a full PHP Application development experience.
If you are keen to hire a mobile app development company.Then you are at right place. We have a large pool of talents who can deliver diverse projects with varying requirements.
Simply drop us an email at [email protected] or call us to discuss at +91 8604939888